Saturday 3 November 2018


Have you ever had that thought at the end of the day where you think, " I didn't handle that well.", or "I should not have responded that way" or even, "I missed an opportunity to talk about Jesus".

I'm sure you have as I certainly have. Now imagine you've been living and following Jesus for 3 years as one of his disciples. Over the 3 years you have become close friends with him. He spends a lot of extra time with you, and you love being with him. You'd do anything he asked to show your love. But at the toughest, most challenging time of Jesus' life when HE needed YOU to stand up for him, to be known as one of his closest friends you lie. Not just once, but 3 times! Your fear of being caught out and your own self preservation is a bigger driver than your love. Jesus had even told this was going to happen. Had he given you the heads up in order to prepare you? It seems he was right. Even though you could have been bold, you feel flat on your face. Imagine how overwhelming your feelings of failure would be at the end of THAT day!

Peter. The man who was called by Jesus "The Rock", turned out on this occasion to be a little pebble. I'm so grateful for Peter. For his passion and conviction, but he is like one of us. He failed. In a monumental spectacular fashion. No-one else really knows about my failures unless I share them. Peter's however, are recorded in all 4 Gospel accounts for all of us to read again and again.

Now, imagine you're Peter who then sees Jesus after the resurrection. You're thrilled, overjoyed and excited. Then you remember what you did. That awkward, embarrassed feeling rises. You may not be able to quite look Jesus in the eye. If you do, you find yourself looking away.

You find yourself alone with Jesus and you're looking down at your feet ignoring his gaze and he asks you if you love him. You note he's reverted back to calling you Simon. It's like you're back to square one. No longer  Peter "The Rock". You get a little frustrated, but through this short chat you tell Jesus you really do love him.

Nowhere is it recorded that Peter says sorry to Jesus for what happens, bit rude, but if you go back to the account of Peter's denial it says that after his lies he goes and weeps bitterly. There we see him repenting, asking for forgiveness and in light of Jesus death and resurrection Peter can meet his teacher and friend as his saviour as well.

At the end Peter's chat, he is recommissioned to follow Jesus and is given a prophetic word again, this time for the toughest time in his own life. Church tradition has it that Peter was crucified, but as he felt unworthy to die the same way as Jesus he asked that he be killed upside down. Peter really did finish well!

Jesus and Peter - what a story that not just talks about God's love, mercy and faithfulness it shouts it out from the tallest tower and it's echoes and sound waves give us hope and a way to find our relationships restored. Our failures and mistakes never causes the Father to turn us away. The cross of Jesus and the love of the Father means our repentance leads Jesus to turns to us with a smile on his face and says "Come on then, follow me!"

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